Director: Mr M.E.J Bassey

Mobile: 08033148573

Parastatals supervised by the Department

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The Department of Chemical Technology is one of the Technical Departments approved by the Head of Service. It was created from the old Department of Chemical Technology and Energy Research.

  1. To initiate, develop and review policies on chemicals and process technologies.
  2. To liaise and partner with states and MDAs on appropriate deployment of chemical and process technologies
  3. To collaborate with government funded and private tertiary and research institutions on the development, training and utilization of indigenous chemical and process technologies.
  4. To liaise and partner with national, regional and international Groups/Bodies on capacity building and strengthening in chemical and process technologies.
  5. Promote, facilitate, execute, coordinate, monitor and evaluate activities, projects and programmes for the reduction of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) in Nigeria.
  6. Partner and collaborate with appropriate MDAs and international bodies on chemical handling and safety management.
  7. Promote, facilitate, execute, coordinate, monitor and evaluate national research and development activities in government funded and private tertiary and research institutions in chemical technologies.
  8. To collaborate with D8 secretariat on implementation of D8 decisions on chemical technology activities in Nigeria.
  9. Partner with the petrochemical sector on the utilization and domestication of petrochemical process; and,
  10. Collaborate with the private Sector on the domestication of indigenous agricultural inputs (organic fertilizer).


  1. Awareness creation on the effect of Chemical pollutants (Persistent Organic Pollutants-POPs) in Nigeria.
  2. Promote Research &Development/ industrial linkages among relevant MDAs and other stakeholders
  3. Human capacity building on nuclear energy for peaceful purposes
  4. Action plan for the utilization of research findings on Nigerian tar sands products development in Nigeria (e.g Road Bitumen Permeability Reduction using Processed Polythene for value addition)
  5. Capacity building on environmental impact assessment/management of oil and gas
  6. Repositioning /revitalization of the Nigerian leather industry (through R&D and the cluster concept e.g Production of Military Boot)
  7. Implementation of D-8 decisions on science and technology promotion and chemical activities in Nigeria.
  8. Awareness creation on the relevance of STI for socio-economic development in Nigeria.
  9. Endearing women in the utilization of STI for economic development
  10. Supporting programmes on STI through mass media (films, newspaper, radio, television, internet, e.t.c)
  11. Organization of monthly step down seminars
  12. Organization of quarterly step down on topical issues.